Karima Echihabi is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco (UM6P). Her research interests lie in responsible and scalable data science. This spans topics in data management, machine learning, high-performance computing, and socio-legal studies. One of the fundamental problems she focuses on is similarity search because it is a key operation in many critical data science tasks such as data cleaning, data integration, and information retrieval. She is the founding faculty advisor for the UM6P ACM Student Chapter, a senior member of the IEEE, and an Associate Editor for the ACM SIGMOD and PVLDB. Her research work has led to publications in top venues such as the ACM SIGMOD, Communications of the ACM, ICDE and PVLDB. Before joining UM6P, she worked as a software engineer at Microsoft, Redmond, and the IBM Toronto Lab, and as an entrepreneur running her own consultancy business. She is passionate about computer science education and has coached students in various competitions, leading to several awards including a Gold Medal at the 2024 UNESCO/IRCAI AI in Africa Competition, and a Silver Medal at the 2023 Moroccan National Programming Competition. She earned a BSc. in Software Engineering from Al Akhawayn University, an MSc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and a PhD in Computer Science from Mohammed V University and Université de Paris.